Harry Beau,
Somehow you are 10 months old today. The last 10 months seem to have passed in a blink of an eye, yet they also seem to have been some of the longest months of my life. So much has happened and simultaneously not happened since you were born. You will always be told stories of this pandemic... once in a lifetime, they say. Well, it’s the beginning of your life and so it makes the counting of days and years a little more weird than normal.
You are the sweetest human I’ve ever met. You give the best hugs, with the most excellent squeezes. You rarely snuggle. You laugh at all of life. You giggle about everything your sister does. You smile. All. The. Time. Seriously. You are a dare devil with a death warrant. There is no fear in your eyes or mind. You LOVE food. You insist on feeding yourself and get so angry when I try to contain the messy stuff - like yogurt or tomato soup.
You started crawling this month. It’s more of an orangutan type hustle, but it’s gets you where you’re going and gives you a free hand for exploring and mischief making while on the way. You also sprouted 2 teeth in the last month, which is just adding to your adorable factor. I can see a couple more wanting to come through and I’m just praying that we finish our nursing relationship before you get too many more.
We have loved your addition to our family and the role you play in our little tribe. You are all the things that your daddy and I longed for as we planned to grow our family. Sometimes your sweet smile and jubilant demeanor make me forget the trials of the last few years. I can look into your eyes and your smile melts all the hardened parts of my heart. I can forget that you are our third child or that you should have a big brother to be rough and rowdy with you. I can forget the years of waiting and frustration over not giving Audrey a sibling. You make those things happen in the most organic ways. And yet, there are times when your curiosity and determination make me ache for the big brother you’ll never meet.
It’s a wild ride, being your mama, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Keep on laughing at your sister and loving us like you do. It only gets better with time.
We love you, sweet Harry Beau.
Mama & Daddy