Harry Beau,
How are you 5 months old?!? It feels like I say that just about every month, but it really feels true. Our time with you has been brief and yet feels as if it has always been. You, my dear sweet boy, have been the perfect addition to our family; a wonderful caboose to the emotions of child rearing. You are the happiest boy with the most expressive eyebrows. You are skeptical of all things and joyful toward all people. Your smile will move mountains one day. It’s already melting hearts, I can assure you of that.
You are lazy and content, which makes me laugh because it’s so different than what we experienced with Audrey. You lie on your play mat and take in the world. There’s no urgency to grow up. I’m thankful for that, as it reminds me to be still and enjoy this precious time with you. To not rush through the seasons just to get to the next one and then rush again. Watching you wiggle through your days with the biggest smile and the cutest tongue, has me all tied up in abundant love and surprising patience. In case you ever wonder, that’s totally a God thing... mama isn’t know for her patience.
In the last week or so you have started to becoming increasingly annoyed by your lack of capabilities in the world. Your laziness is backfiring just a tad, as it seems you would really like to sit up and enjoy the world from a new vantage point. Yet, you collapse into all the directions when we sit you up to play. Find some determination, sweet boy, because you’re almost there! We’ve also started playing a bit with solids, and while you haven’t hated anything, you haven’t just loved anything either. As I said before, you are very skeptical of new things. Food is supposed to be a brief and lazy experience in your mind. You nurse for just a few minutes and then back to smiling at the world. Solids require a bit more effort and getting messy. It will be quite interesting to see what the next month holds for you as you begin to taste more than mama’s milk.
Audrey Nole started kindergarten this month and so you and I have had some really lovely one on one time together. I think the quiet of the house without your sister has been an adjustment, but I hope it allows you to find your voice. This is a family of loud, straight forward humans, and I have no doubt you will add to the noise as you grow. I can’t wait to see just exactly how. It has been a great pleasure to get to know you and I’m so looking forward to what new things we can discover over the next months.
We love you so, Harry Beau. Happy 5 Months!!
Mama & Daddy