Audrey Nole,

Today you are 5, and in the midst of all the crazy going on in our world at this moment, you are the most excited I have ever seen you to celebrate a new year; and plenty of new adventures. You have been counting down to this day for at least a month. Waking us up on March 1, informing us it was in fact your birthday month. It has been such a pleasure and source of joy to watch you close out your fifth trip around the sun. You have a gift that allows anyone around you to instantly feel more hope, peace, and excitement about the life God has given them.

This year has been a big one. You have become quite the theologian, as you begin to ask questions and connect dots from your Bible stories and worship experiences. You tell the world about Jesus, because he’s pretty cool in your eyes. You sing your way through your days, just like a good Disney princess. You are kind and considerate, and your teachers all tell me what a joy it is to know you. You are a natural born leader, with a flare for the dramatic, and you have never met a stranger. You share the story of your middle brother with an innocence and brevity that catches people off guard, but teaches them a little something about loving someone who is no longer with us.

In this last year, you have learned that you will be a big sister again. We have had lots of talks about what that is going to look like, as well as processing the very possible reality of “what if this one dies too?” You are immensely wise for 5, and have no fear of death. Yet you are aware that sorrow follows death for those that are left behind and do not wish to experience it again so soon. You are already an excellent big sister to both of your brothers and I cannot wait until you meet Harry Beau and get to snuggle him - not too tight, ok? Though these last few weeks and the weeks and months to follow haven’t and won’t look anything like we imagined, I’m so thankful for the ways that you have adapted. You are a constant reminder to your daddy and me that our little family, centered around our Creator, is all that we need to be completely fulfilled. So thank you for holding us to the truths we grown ups often tend to forget. Thank you for being you, designed perfectly by your Heavenly Father for all the plans He has for you. You, my sweet girl, are all kinds of special. I cannot imagine all the things you will face, accomplish, tackle, and experience in this next year or 20, but I know it will be such a gift to me to watch and cheer you on; with a little guidance along the way. And as you continue to remind me, I don’t know anything but God knows everything and He tells me exactly what I need to know to parent you.

This journey with you has been a good one, and daddy and I are looking forward to what is next. For now, I hope you enjoy eating cake all day, watching your favorite movies, and readying our home for the littlest member to come home. Because I for one cannot wait to see your sister job lived out tangibly.

All our love and Happy Birthday,

Mama & Daddy

