And just like that, we are under contract on the sale of our Utah home. Saturday night we received the final signatures, and, Lord willing, our house will be sold in a matter of weeks. We can officially start the last chapter of our season in Utah. And… the first chapter of our next season; Tennessee, here we come.
Its interesting to think about the end of our time here. We haven’t been the biggest cheerleaders for a life in Utah, but we have some of our fondest memories here, so when it comes time to say good bye, it will be with bittersweet emotions. The daunting task of a cross country move all those years ago was countered by the excitement of a new career path for Adam. It showed us a new kind of life and one that we found we enjoyed - even though it proved challenging at times. The pages of our Utah story are filled with love, grief, joy, frustration, longing, excitement, and so much more. God has seen us through several of the hardest things that a person will ever face. He has drawn us nearer to him. We will leave this place better than when we arrived, and for that, I could not be more grateful.
So many of you have followed along these last 5 or so years. It has been a pleasure to share this little life with you, but mostly, I’m incredibly grateful for the safety of this space to share the wanderings of my mind. To be encouraged and loved on through the pages of this journal and the miracle of the internet. God has shown himself present and close through so many of your words. He has comforted us through virtual and physical hugs alike. When we load the last piece of our belongings onto our moving truck, we will miss so much of what we are leaving and we will be so thrilled for what is next to come.
That has been the theme of these last seven (almost 8!) years. Learning that one emotion doesn’t simply exist until the next one comes along. Instead, many emotions coexist.
Would you join us in praying for us in this time of transition? That God would lay clearly (as he has so many times already in this process) the path he has for us. That our hearts and minds would be solidly in the place God intends them. And that our children would feel God’s closeness as they embark on, what is likely, the most terrifying adventure we’ve had yet. We have no doubt that this is where God has called us. We are thrilled to follow that call. And we are simultaneously sad to, finally, close this chapter. Because for all of its hardships, its been a good one.
“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” - Romans 12:12
Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash