Harry Beau,
Today is your 4th birthday and oh my goodness has it been fun to walk these last few weeks with you. I think this year may be the first one that you understand what’s going on and the anticipation that has been building in your precious self has basically spilled over today. You have proven yourself to be most kind and generous with your sister, since her birthday comes first and you have been such a great little
Hype man as she waited for her day alongside you. But today is your day and we are so excited to celebrate you (as well as all the Easter festivities and rejoicing!)
You are just the sweetest little human these days. We’ve turned your car seat around and I don’t know if you’ve always talked non stop in the car, but your voice now fills the car from the minute we open the door. You notice everything. You observe and deduce and I love hearing you work through how this world works - some of your assumptions are brilliant, if not slightly askew.
You have officially entered the “does this ________ make me fast?” stage and I have to say, I’m here for it. Do those clunky crocs that look like Lightning McQueen make you fast? You bet, son! Do you need different fast shoes for riding scooters than for running in the yard with your sister? Absolutely! Do your pants with the hole in the knee slow you down? For sure! Are you allowed to be so fast in the house? No sir, you are not.
Your demeanor is such that pretty much everyone falls instantly and madly in love with you. I thought for a while when you were smaller that you would outgrow the endless grinning, but honestly, it’s what the world needs these days and I think God saw fit to make sure it stays. When I asked you about your friends at school, you gave me the cutest nicknames. When I asked if you had a nickname, your eyes disappeared under the weight of your grin and you said “I’m, Sweet Harry” and let’s be honest, no truer words have been spoken about you my dear boy. I can’t wait to see what your charm and giant heart do for the Kingdom of God as you grow and mature in your love for your Good Father.
Now that you’re 4, you get to finally start playing all the sports you’ve been begging to play. I’m not ready for the ways that will make my heart melt. And I don’t think your daddy is ready for the challenge of teaching your basically left-handed self. But that’s ok, because I know you will be gracious and joyful through it all.
So, my dear boy, I pray that you will continue to spread happiness wherever you go. And that as you learn more about the ways God loves you, that the huge heart He has gifted you (and us!) with, would explode for His kingdom.
Happy 4th Birthday, little man. We love you!
Mama& Daddy