I don’t get to see sunsets from my house anymore. Honestly, I don’t get to see many sunsets in general these days. They always seem to be during those moments where motherhood or housekeeping call most readily. Mix that with a tree lined property along the west facing windows of my kitchen, and the sun usually disappears from view by mid-afternoon; even though it’s light and warmth linger much later.
I miss the days of feeling God so closely in the sunsets as I rocked babies to sleep or cleaned up the last remnants of long Utah summer days. But God knew that. And when we moved to Tennessee He gave me a front porch perfect for viewing the most incredible sunrises. Over the trees that line road, peeps the most saturated orange and pinks, purples and navy. As the sun wakes the sky, my porch gets a front row seat and my heart feels the exact same nearness of God that it always has when the days have come to a close.
Todays sunrise was almost blinding as it pierced the darkness with an orange-turned-magenta that I’m not sure I’ve ever seen before. And as I closed up my prayer journal, the view of that hot pink and orange sky poked through the leaded glass of my front door and drew me immediately out to take it all in. Never mind the cold or the pajamas - that sky was for me. It was a precious gift from the Lord; the God who loves me deeply and cares for me, even when it feels like he’s far away. A reminder that he isn’t far away, but instead, right here with me in the midst of the chaos and decay of this sinful world. In the depths of the hurts and pains and sorrows, he sits with me. He foreordained this life. There’s nothing he hasn’t laid into place and allowed. There’s nothing to fear and no troubles he will not surmount.
I needed that reminder today. That no matter what I am facing, God is near. Much like the sun that hides behind the western trees yet still provides light and warmth, my God is near and still provides refuge and strength. New mercies every morning.
I’ve been studying the book of Jude. It’s such a short book - 25 verses. But it starts and ends with a reminder to its readers of who they are to God and who God is and always has been. One of the things that has stood out to me has been His able-ness. You see, I’ve always been told and come to know, that God keeps his promises. That what he has laid out for us in salvation and the following sanctification, he is going to follow through with and make good on. His coupon of redemption is not a fraud. It’s real. It’s bought and paid for. It’s legit. But in the final 2 verses of Jude, after he reminded his audience of the battles they were already beginning to fight, he ends by lifting praise:
“Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.”
Jude 1:24-25
To him who is able… God didn’t just SAY he created the heavens and the earth. He didn’t just SAY that he sent his son to save us. He didn’t just SAY that he was the beginning and the end. He WAS. He IS. He ALWAYS WILL BE. He followed through and did it - will do it. He didn’t just make promises to gain followers and then ask you to give your credit card information, your first born, and your mother’s maiden name. No, he made promises and then kept them, because he is ABLE.
I have never felt more convicted and simultaneously comforted by a single word as I did when I read that. God is keeping me from stumbling. He is presenting me blameless (without sin! what?!). In the presence of his glory and with great JOY. He loves us and cares for us that much. Ouch. I don’t even have enough will power to do motherhood or marriage with great joy every day - and yet God is over here sacrificing his own son so that he can save me.
There is a new battle starting in our family. One that I may or may not share the details of in time, but I’m thankful for the Word that can carry me into the fight - because I would most certainly land straight on my face, to be devoured by the tricks and lies of the enemy without Him who is able.