Harry Beau,

How in the heck are you already celebrating your FIRST birthday? It feels like yesterday that we left the hospital with you in the backseat. The excitement your daddy and I felt as we drove home to introduce you to your big sister was indescribable and it those expectations have only been exceeded by the adoration that is in your eyes when you see or hear her. It has been the sweetest gift in this very weird year.

You are a pandemic baby. All you know is half covered faces and as such you are great at reading eyes. You give the biggest smiles when you recognize a smile hiding below a strangers mask. You give the greatest giggles when someone says hello. You are the happiest baby on the planet, and I know it wasn’t a mistake that it took us so long to get you; God had you in mind as the best gift during a very trying year.

You are strong as can be and have even started trying to stand all on your own. You won’t even take practice steps while holding my hands, but you’ll let go and try for yourself (rather unsuccessfully) without a second thought. You are a bit of a terror in that respect. I foresee accident insurance in your future and likely many ER visits for random broken bones or necessary stitches. Your curiosity is both refreshing and exhausting. You have zero words yet, and I’m completely ok with that. For now, all my energy goes into chasing you around and making sure you don’t hurt yourself. Walking and talking will be their own reasons for my exhaustion, so I’m happy to let them come a little more slowly.

You eat all the foods and you’re incredibly happy about it. So much so that it’s kind of hilarious that you’re such a tiny little man. You can put down more food than me sometimes - though you don’t waste the opportunity to share with the dogs when you are done. Or if you don’t want something in that moment; for example, scrambled eggs when there’s pancakes on your plate haha

It has been such a joy to be your mama for the last year (and many additional months before we even knew who you would be) and I cannot wait to see what the next year has in store for you. Keep shining bright with your smile of perfection, and keep making us laugh. We love you so very much!

Happy Birthday, little man!


Mama & Daddy

