Harry Beau,
Today you are 4 months old and it has been quite the eventful (or really, complete lack of events) time with you. As I watch you grow bigger and more alert, I so cherish the sweet giggles that you share with your big sister. You really do think she is the funniest. You are getting very tall, but you are quite skinny. I think you’re going to love food when the time comes. I actually just ordered you a high chair so you can start practicing sitting at the table with us. Heres hoping it’s a successful endeavor - because as of late, dinner time has been especially hard for all of us. You also have decided that this week would be a good time to start figuring out all these new tricks. You have found your feet. You started to roll. You laugh so hard at yourself in the mirror. And you want SO BADLY to sit up on your own. We are cheering you on as you explore your world.

You have the very best grin. Your whole body lights up when you smile and you stick your tongue out so far. Its so dang cute. You saw your pediatrician yesterday and she agrees. You flirted with her the whole time. I hope you always keep that gentle, flirty way about you. It is welcoming and endearing; things the world needs more of these days.

Audrey Nole is going to start school in a couple of weeks and then it will be just you and me at home all day. I’m not sure if your’e going to like the quiet or miss the chaos. Either way, we are going to make sure to take full advantage of her last weeks at home with us full time. Despite all of the frustrations that this pandemic has brought, having your sister home with us and watching your sweet relationship form has been such an unexpected gift. Your age gap always worried me a little so it has been so fun to watch the two of you really get to know one another and truly enjoy each other’s company.

You still haven’t met near as many people as I had hope and expected for you over these last few months. You almost always give people a funny look when you see them without a mask (which is not often these days). Its so strange to think of all the ways your world is different from that of your sister’s. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for your life - pandemic of 2020 makes for a pretty great story for you to tell your grandkids one day. It will be a joy to watch your story unfold over the next years and decades.

God made you for this unique time in history. He shaped you and formed you for a task that only you can complete. It’s such a joy to be your mama. I really cannot wait to watch you grow. Each month that passes has brought a little glimpse into who you are and who you will become. It is my greatest pleasure to be you and Audrey’s mama and it is the biggest responsibility I could ever take on. I hope you know that your daddy and I pray for you. We pray for our wisdom in raising you and for you to know and feel known by the great God that created you. There is much to be discovered about your role in all of the chaos outside the four walls of our home, and I’m so excited to be able to do it alongside you.

We love you sweet boy. Keep growing. Keep smiling. Keep becoming you. It’s the injection of joy that all of our hearts desperately need in this moment.

Happy 4 months, Harry Beau. We love you.

Mama & Daddy

