Harry Beau,

Today you are 3 months old and what a whirlwind it has been. It has been equally fast and slow, as the circumstances surrounding your birth have dictated a lot of alone time for our little family. You got to meet your Grandma & Pops and your Aunt Madi this month. It was such a sweet treat to welcome them into our home and finally get to share you, and all the joy you’ve brought, with people who love you. You did not disappoint either. There were plenty of snuggles and giggles to be shared. Sweet boy, don’t ever forget how precious you are in the eye s of your Maker and the family he made you a part of.

You are getting so big and strong. Your head is constantly on the move and you keep doing the cutest baby crunches as you try your darndest to sit up. I’m thinking you will have it in the next month. It’s definitely something you want! You are also a pretty great night sleeper, which has made everyone feel so much better about your lack of daytime sleep. When mama can get a good night’s rest, I’m much more patient with you during the day. And I’ll definitely take all the snuggles I can get!! Although, I could do without your daily desire for a 5pm bedtime. Let’s face it kid, you’re not the only child —- so you’re gonna have to suck it up and start being a little less cranky in the evenings so we can push that bedtime to 6pm at the earliest.

Watching you interact with other Audrey Nole is the absolute best part of my day. She’s a bit aggressive in her love for you, but you think she’s the best part of your world. It’s darling and it melts my heart. You gave her your very first giggle, and while that made my mama heart twinge a little with jealousy, it was also the most appropriate and satisfying way to record that first giggle in my mind. I am so thankful that you and your sister have one another. One big Praise The Lord!

I can’t wait to watch you over the next month as you start to take in all the parts and pieces of your world. Your mind is always processing and the coos and smiles and giggles that come when you make connections is the sweetest. It makes the spit up and fussiness fade away and the memories we are making together look a lot more precious. Keep on growing little man. Your daddy and I are having fun on this journey with you.

Happy 3 Months,
We love you, Harry Beau.

Mama & Daddy


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