Harry Beau,
You are 7 months old and still as tiny as ever. I had hopes that you would be my rolly-poly baby, but in all honesty, I love that you are bitty. It makes it seem as if this baby stage will keep. I don’t want you to be a baby forever, but this stage is just about the best.
Your snuggles are glorious. You are learning to hug; or at least that’s what I’m claiming. You have just started giving kisses but you pretty much reserve those for mama - occasionally daddy, but never sissy. Those attempts generally end up as a head bump for the both of you. You’ve mastered sitting up and are starting to show interest in moving. You are getting very brave in how far you’re willing to reach for things, especially cups. You’ve spilled so many things on me in the last 2 weeks. Let’s work on that, ok?
You have had a pretty eventful month. You took your first flight (were basically a champ!), met the last of your aunts and uncles, and all of your cousins. You went to daddy’s hometown for the first time and were a pretty adorable construction buddy as we helped Aunt Madi fix up her house. She says you can come back and stay whenever you want! You got to ride through the canals of Venice (Vegas baby!) and LOVED listening to your sister tell you all about how wonderful the big Ferris wheel is.
You have so enjoyed learning to eat. You go straight for the protein on the plate and rarely touch the fruit. Your chewing skills are progressing and food is actually staying in your mouth, though there’s still plenty of room for improvement - the dogs will be fat if you keep at this pace! I really can’t wait to see you at the Thanksgiving table.
You had your first halloween and totally killed it. You were an excellent tag along for Audrey’s Halloween festivities and you put up with the ridiculous hat and beard of your costume for a lot longer than I expected.
This has been a whirlwind month and we are heading into the holidays and I cannot wait to share my favorite 2 months with you! I love you sweet boy, it’s been a pretty wonderful 7 months. Looking forward to the next 7 and so many more.
Mama & Daddy love you, Harry Beau.