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Over the last 4 or 5 years, I have felt myself get more and more quiet about politics, as conservativism and its principals become viewed through a lens that paints them as evil. How could the party that voted for Donald Trump be anything but, right? Or at least that is what we are led to believe by the news media, culture, and all of tech - excepting the specific niches carved out by conservatives who still feel confident in speaking boldly and fighting to preserve the ideals that come with such a title. So where does the average, every day person fit into this equation? What does a suburban wife and mother have to add to the fight for conservative principles? Has identity politics made it impossible for a woman like myself to have an opinion of my own? Am I to just shut up and fall in line with the so called compassionate party? If I want to raise my children to be advocates for the underprivileged and the oppressed, can I possibly do it while maintaining a belief that conservative principles still hold a place in the American experiment? 

As the messiness of an election year begins to wind down, and the consequences of isolation during a pandemic start to show up in our moods and behaviors, I’d like to explore my place in culture and society. To examine my own biases alongside the ones that have been told of me. I’d also like to make the argument, if it’s there, that conservatism isn’t bad or bigoted or money hungry or selfish; or any of the other wildly exaggerated stereotypes of someone who calls themself a republican. I hope that I can articulate my perspective well, while allowing room for discussion and consideration. It is my very strong belief that conservatism cannot exist without its liberal counterpart. One breeds process and innovation while being checked by the other for conservation of necessary limitations. The two sides of one coin need each other - and the very unhealthy culture of canceling or silencing persons with different ways of thinking, is a recipe for disaster. 

I’m fed up of reading opinions where one side attacks the other by calling names or dismissing conversation. You cannot read one side of the story without being told the other side is evil: and this happens on both ends of the spectrum. So here, in my tiny corner of the internet, I’m going to strive for making my argument without name calling. For doing the research and presenting the facts without the condescension or hatred for those who disagree with me. For respecting those on the many different sides. I hope that you will join me in searching for the truth among the lies and in finding common ground despite a culture that says it has to be all or nothing. 

I hope this discussion becomes like an eclectic forest of evergreens. Where we shed our preconceptions like the needles of a pine, not all at once to the point of death, but slowly and methodically as we gather information and shape our opinions. We don’t need to grow dormant and wait out the winter... we can be the beacon of hope in this dark winter (to use the words of Joe Biden); perhaps minds will be changed and politics adapt. But in reality, all I want out of this little movement, is for respect to be earned by all. I don’t want to be afraid of sharing my passion for conservative ideals because it might offend someone or cause me to be canceled. I want to show those who disagree with me that what the media says about republicans or conservatives is wrong. That democrats don’t have the upper hand on compassion and that the supposed moral high ground isn’t held by one party or section of culture and society. 

The Bible is full of instruction to not sit back in the face of evil. And while that may be a reach (particularly in calling politics the face of evil… though it might be more fitting than we are willing to admit) for this space and in regards to politics, I do believe it is a call to speak out even when it’s hard. To sit back, silently, so as to not offend someone, while the two sides of the political divide become farther and father apart and further angered by their opposition, has taken its toll on my heart and isn’t doing anyone any good. I will speak truth. I will speak up. I will share my own heart for the world to see. Republicans are not evil. Conservatives are not idiots. Votes for the leaders of those parties and champions of those ideals are not racist, bigoted, or xenophobic. 

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